Snake Island Integrated Free Zone

Snake Island Integrated Free Zone (SIIFZ) spans 252 hectares and is strategically situated in Lagos, Nigeria's main harbor. It serves as an economic development area, providing a comprehensive platform for logistics, trading, and manufacturing entities to establish operations in Nigeria. SIIFZ leverages its proximity to seaport, land, and infrastructure to facilitate international and regional operations efficiently.

SIIFZ aims to develop and operate a fully functional Free Zone and Port Facility, serving as a one-stop service hub for all industries.

The mission of SIIFZ is to deliver proficient quality services to all entities within its jurisdiction, in compliance with the Nigeria Export Processing Zones Authority (NEPZA) Act and SIIFZ Gazette. This includes bringing together investors from various sectors to a single, strategic, and operationally-viable location.

With nearly two decades of operation, SIIFZ has played a pivotal role in advancing the free trade zone scheme in Nigeria.



Key Benefits:

  1. Corporate tax exemptions
  2. Streamlined business set-up process
  3. Significant duty concessions
  4. Dedicated regulatory agency presence
  5. Duty-free import of raw materials, equipment, and machinery
  6. Full immigration support
  7. Strategic location for cargo transport
  8. Repatriation of foreign capital with tax-free offshore remittance of profit and dividends

Customized Solutions: SIIFZ caters to diverse industries such as energy, financial services, waste management, maritime & logistics, heavy port equipment, and HR outsourcing. The team collaborates with businesses to understand their unique requirements and design tailored solutions.


Company Registration Process in SIIFZ:

  1. Complete and submit a questionnaire.
  2. Receive an application pack with a list of required documents.
  3. Submit the application pack and all supporting documents.
  4. Application undergoes screening and review for approval.
  5. Upon approval, receive a registration certificate.
  6. Obtain an operating license for your Free Zone Enterprise (FZE).

Uodated On: 04/04/2024